Canyon Lake Gunsmithing

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Fire Arms Pick from Police & Storage Fees

Fire Arms Pick from Police & Storage Fees

In the ugly eventyou are served with a Restraining Order (RO), Temporary Restraining Order (TRO), Gun Violence Restraining Order (GVRO) or otherwise become prohibited from possessing firearms, ammunition and magazines (yes magazines count now too), we can help.

Canyon Lake Gunsmithing now offers temporary storage

When you are ordered to surrender your firearms, you immediately need to ensure they are unloaded, pack them into any case, sock, or other protective garment and bring them down to us immediately. We will electronically file with the CA DOJ that you have turned over each specific firearm into our care for storage and will sign the DV-800/JV-252 if the courts request it.

When you are given the opportunity to prove your innocence, you will be able to return and complete a DROS background check, wait ten days, return, and if approved then take your firearms home. If you have stored ammunitionor ammunition feeding devices (magazines) with us, we can return those to you along with your firearms.

This is an unfortunate amount of work and requires real estate. As such, there are fees:

Initiation fee: $100 for the first five firearmsand $10 for each additional firearm or each bin needed to store your magazines and/or ammunition. Please notethat these bins have a 50 lb maximum weight capacity.

Background Check Fee: Currently (2022) $37.19, subject to change by CA DOJ

Storage fee: $1/firearm/day or $5/bin/day

Prepayment: The initiation fee, background check fee, and 90 days prepayment of storage fees must be paid upon commencement of the storage.

Firearms being held at Police station :  There is a $250.00 pick up fee for 1-5 firearms 

Termination: Unused daily storage fees will be credited to your store account but those in excess of the prepayment must be paid for when you return to collect your property. In the event that the release of your property is delayed, the normal storage rate will be applied. Canyon Lake Gunsmithing will NOT release the Undetermined status of a Prohibited Temporary Storage Return. All accounts in arrears over 180 days will become the property of Canyon Lake Gunsmithing and be sold to offset the unpaid balance. All excess proceeds will be donated to needy gun store employees and their families.

Care: Your property will be stored in one of our secure facilities that are temperature and humidity controlled. All items must be enclosed in a case or sock when surrendered to us. We normally have many options available from nylon cases from various manufacturers and socks from Sack-Ups for you to purchase at a reasonable price.

Normal wear: Despite the precautions of proper case or sock and the temperature and humidity control your stored items may still receive damage over time (namely rust). The Camarillo Gun Store shall hold no liability for any damage that may be received in this manner. In an attempt to prevent this damage, cleaning and lubrication services may be purchased(Cleaning services only lessen the possibility of firearms or accessories being damaged with time and in no way imputes liability to the Canyon Lake Gunsmithing if your stored items receive damage by the passage of time.)

Natural disasters: In the event of any natural disaster (such as: fire, earthquake, flooding, etc) the Canyon Lake Gunsmithing shall hold no liability for damage or total loss to the stored items as a result of the disaster or the reasonable responses to the disasters.

Criminal actions: In the event that the ample security measures are circumvented Canyon Lake Gunsmithing holds no liability as every possible reasonable precaution has been taken.


Often times, individuals find it easier to sell their guns to the gun store. This also fills the requirements of the courts and can provide cash in your time of need. We can make an offer, with no fees, paid in cash on the spot and we will complete a CA DROS Acquisition and form DV-800/JV-252 



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